The Fields Brothers Show
Not the Marx Brothers nor the Doobie Brothers, Roger Fields and Jeff Fields are the Fields Brothers, co-authors of "Breaking The Hex." Enjoying life on this side of the cross they talk about happenings from their lives in central Kentucky. They are recovering pastors with no known history of scandal, just a refreshing take on freedom in Christ. WARNING: The following views and opinions may not necessarily represent those of the staff or management of your local church.
The Fields Brothers Show
Does This Offend You?
Roger Fields and Jeff Fields
Season 7
Episode 14
Another off-the-rails episode by Roger Fields and Jeff Fields, two recovering Kentucky pastors with no known history of scandal. They talk about God's grace, life on this side of the cross and whatever else happens to stumble through their brains.
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions of the Fields brothers may not necessarily represent those of the staff and management of your local church.
For a unique reading experience, check out Breaking The Hex: Life with God After the Cross Killed Religion by The Fields Brothers on Amazon.
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